9 years ago, I was sitting with my roommate at the time; I was depressed, and down; but I wanted to run a certain type of tabletop game that I couldn't find a good system for. I wanted to run something based in our modern society, but with magic and tech. I didn't want something dark, and I wanted creative flexibility but with some constraints. I told my roommate and he said, "Well, why don't you make it?" and so I did. It wasn't until roughly this time 9 years ago that I got a name, but it started to make something.

I made the first version of the rules to be based off of a lot of D&D 3.5 but without the classes, kind of. It was a hot mess though I didn't see it like that. I just seen my creation and the potential of something good. I had a few friends that actually enjoyed what I had, one even ran a game with it and their friends (most of whom didn't even know me). That individual actually ended up "giving" me the first version of DLCards, of which started out as Shuffle and Slights. 

I kept working on my game development skills, as I wanted to make the best games I could. I ended up evolving both games a lot over the years, to better fit with a better understanding of how mechanics worked together and a better grasp of how to explain different rule sets. I hadn't properly released either game, as I been so focused on being the solo developer that I kind of stopped telling people, or pushing myself to truly show what I had. That will change.

This time next year it is my hope to have a released version of NovArchaic and DLCards for sale. These will be Playtest Rules, with character sheets and a playtest adventure to go with. As I am a single person developer right now, this is only a hope and not a promise, but I will try my best to make it happen.

One of the most complete historic versions of NovArchaic from the past. Still unplayable.
A 'lite' version of NovAchaic that was made two years after starting work on NovArchaic.

- Kyle Atterson