
I am starting a new series to just have a reason to type up different things about NovArchaic. I am hoping that writing this stuff, as it should be a bit easier for me since a lot of the research is done-ish, and getting a few "wins" in the content area might help my brain tell me I am doing a good job.

This series will also be open to all people to see, although I would appreciate any followers or supporters (supporters get access to documents and design stuff while I am working on them, so like, there is that).

This week I want to talk about one of the species I have been brewing on for NovArchaic, the Hiddenfolk.

The design for them came from a want to do a "troll" like species, but while doing research I was hitting a bit of a brick wall until I learned about the "Huldufólk" or Hidden Folk. They are somewhat similar, but a few different things exist for them. So I started to ponder, what if I just state them as the same species, but maybe make a few differences between the two? I could make it to where there are similarities but some differences occur because of sub-species or character growth or something. 

So broadening my definition, and calling them currently Hidden Folk instead of the traditional name (I might change the name later if they do continue to develop into their own thing). I started making some choices in their design.
So in NovArchaic, this species has the Humanoid and the Beast traits. They are currently omnivorous, as I couldn't find anything that would suggest otherwise. They have 20 base physical health, and 18 base spiritual health (very high base health, but a little low for spiritual health). They are faster than most other creatures, with a walk/run speed of 6, and a climb and swim speed of 5. They are able to speak to creatures with the Beast tag, and those creatures can understand them on a simple level. They can also perform a glamour spell that allows them to take on the appearance of a material they are touching, as long as it is a natural material (rock, stone, etc). They slightly resist piercing damage but do take extra damage from Light damage (though this is a very rare damage type.

In the future, I am considering making a trait that would empower the glamour to stop the extra light damage, and maybe empower the connections between beasts and other elements of nature.

But what do you all think? Should I change something, or do you think this seems like a fun species to make a character of?


-Technomancer Kyle

I was asked for a description of what they looked like, so I quickly wrote this up.

Hidden folk are on average about 2 meters tall (roughly more than 6 ft 5 in) and weigh on average 90 KG (slightly less than 200 lbs), but a lot of that weight is muscle. 

They have a convex philtrum and commonly have black hair. Their skin is rough, and they can be quite hairy.